This page contains a running log of Public Release Notes for the MarketSpark service offering.
20241219 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that caused, when viewing Call Detail Records, any three-digit dialed number, e.g. 911, to improperly render as a hyphen character, rather than the dialed number
- Correct error that caused a page error when attempting to view Call Detail Records pages as a Location Administrator
- Correct Contacts pagination errors that resulted in an incomplete list of Contacts being rendered on each page and an incorrect number of pages being rendered
- Correct error preventing an Organization Administrator from properly managing the locations of a Location Administrator
New Features
- None
- Account for updated security-related concerns
20241216 Hotfix
Bug Fixes
- Correct regression that incorrectly calculated Line totals in the pill indicators; line calculations in table rows were incorrect
New Features
- None
- None
20241204 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct error causing trouble with the Locations table page for Location Admins
- Correct general errors experienced by Location Admins
New Features
- Provide a signal “quality” indicator badge to the Router signal Diagnostics card. The state of this indicator badging is not completely representative of the router’s ability, with the given signal levels, to cleanly pass data or voice phone calls, but it is a very strong indicator
- Add Top Lines card to Organization dashboards, showing for Organization Admins the most or least used lines for a day, week, or month, displayed by calls or minutes and filterable by inbound, outbound, or all calls
- Add Emergency Calls block to Organization dashboards, showing most recently placed emergency services calls
- Add empty state messaging to call KPI/Insights cards
- None
20241204 Hotfix
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that prevented Cradlepoint routers from populating signal status into Command Center
New Features
- None
- None
20241203 Hotfix 2
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that prevented privileged users from properly editing organizations
New Features
- None
- None
20241203 Hotfix 1
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that prevented privileged users from editing user profile fields
- Correct error preventing username/password users from first login
New Features
- None
- None
20241126 Hotfix
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that caused lines to be displayed out of order in the Lines table
- Correct error that caused multi-gateway locations to display gateways out of order in the Gateways table
New Features
- None
- None
20241125 Release
Bug Fixes
Remove non-functional sort-by mouse-over function from the CDR table
- Remove non-functional Uptime and Last Updated value display from Signal Card for routers that do not support these values
- More gracefully handle provisioning situations involving certain APN and SIM situations
New Features
- Add Organization and Location Level Call Insight Card to display total number of calls and total number of minutes for the Organization or Location; viewable today, for the week, or for the last month; filterable against all calls, only inbound calls, or only outbound calls
- Add Top Locations Card visible at the Organization level, to Org Admins, showing top 4 locations for the Organization viewable today, for the week, or for the month, filterable by call direction (all calls, only inbound, only outbound) and by call type (minutes or number of calls)
- Add Telephone Number field to the Support ticket creation modal to allow customers to input a specific call-back number for a Support incident
Remove the pointer cursor for non-sortable columns in tables
20241112 Release
Bug Fixes
Correct error that prevented 938 area codes numbers from being properly attached to equipment
New Features
- Allow viewing of multiple Location Notes at the same time
Improve validation messages for Location Admins when creating / editing them to alert a user
20241028 Release
Bug Fixes
Correct issue that caused Battery Serial field to improperly flag all serials as non-unique
Correct issue that allowed Location Admins to exercise certain administrative functions on Organization Admin accounts
Correct issue that allowed a Location Admin to be created without a Location and that allowed an existing Location Admin to be relieved of all locations
New Features
- For SSO login-enabled Organizations, make the authentication provider the source of truth for First Name and Last Name user attributes
Provide additional Signal Status improvements for Installers
Sort Lines in the Locations Lines tab by analog Port by default
20241022 Hotfix
Bug Fixes
- Correct error in CDR subscription logic that caused events to be omitted due to certain gateway/equipment status changes
New Features
- None
- None
20241014 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct pagination error in Organization Contacts page
- Correct potential for errors during Location administrative state change operations
- Correct error that prevented proper CDR presentation following Location state changes
New Features
- Include Temp Porting Number and Line Type in the Organization Line Export Tool
- Improve dashboard for Location Admins by properly showing location and line totals for only their assigned Locations/Lines
20241009 Hotfix Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct issue that, for Locations that were subjected to certain hardware swaps, improperly re-established CDR logging
New Features
- None
- None
20240930 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that prevented an Org Admin from elevating a User to an Org Admin
- Correct error that prevented Notes in Note card from scrolling
- Correct occasional error with Release Notes widget popping up when not called forward
- Correct error that caused display issues with Signal and Battery Status cards in some cases
New Features
- Allow Org Admins to edit the locations over which an existing Location Admin has permissions
- Improve Login Error Messaging
- Change wording on Help Center option to generate Support tickets, making it more obvious which option is for Support tickets
20240916 Release
Bug Fixes
- Prevent unexpected behavior by disallowing changes to email addresses of existing users
- Correct error that allowed Location Admins to edit Organization data
- Correct error that allowed Location Admins to see data for locations over which they did not have permissions
- Correct error that allowed Location Admins to load CDR data for locations over which they did not have permissions
- Correct different in behavior of lines and equipment context menus that existed between Organization and Location Admins
- Correct error that improperly rendered Location details for Location Admins
New Features
- None
- Include the Organization and Location name in the subject field of Support tickets generated from the CMDC Contact us form
20240903 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that caused CDRs to fail to show for certain locations
- Correct error in SSO logins caused by casing discrepancy for certain federated authentication systems
- Ensure that SSO users do not receive a password reset link in their confirmation emails
- Ensure that the locally stored redirect link on auth token refresh updates properly
New Features
- Integrate Release Notes function into CMDC with new user-visible widget. When new Release Notes are published for CMDC updates, users will see a notification bubble beside their profile image. When clicking the profile image, users will see a notification bubble beside the new “Release Notes” option. When clicking on that option, users will see a widget with a brief of the release notes. From the widget, users can click directly into the longer-form release notes to learn more
- Add first pass at Location-Restricted User roles. In this iteration, the Administrative role “Admin” is now an Organizational Administrative role “Org Admin” and maintains its previous permissions and capabilities. A new role-type, “Location Administrator” has been created and exists underneath the Org Admin. Org Admins (OAs) can, when creating new Location Admins (LAs), define a restricted set of Locations that an LA can perform administrative functions over, rather than the entire set of locations and the organization itself - that are managed by the OA role. Not present yet in this release is the ability to edit the locations over which an existing LA has permissions; rather, with this release, the location permissions are only set at the time of LA user creation - this will be addressed in a future release
- Users are now required to complete their profiles on first login
- Remove the left-navigation “Help Center” link because it duplicates the top-navigation “Help Center” button
20240814 Release
Bug Fixes
- Remove erroneous "Notifications" listing in CMDC breadcrumbs
- Correct error that prevented login of newly-created users that were missing a telephone number definition
New Features
- None
- Remove pagination carousel from the bottom of the Location Diagnostics tab as it is superfluous
- For the Locations table view, where there is only one equipment, replace the listing of "1" with the equipment name instead
20240805 Release
Bug Fixes
- Ensure that equipment status is properly reset when installation status is changed
- When viewing Locations in CMDC, ensure that Locations are sorted by actual location status and not just by operational status
- Prevent Location status notifications from going out if a Location is transitioning from the None state to the Offline state as is common in development and provisioning and shipping operations or when equipment is modified, such as when lines of service are added
- Ensure that uptime in Signal Link status page is reported in days, hours, minutes and not in seconds
- Correct error in displayed RSSI values in Equipment Diagnostics Cards
New Features
- Update the way Help is accessed from within Command Center. Help is no longer accessed from a Support card in the Location General and Diagnostic tabs. Now, Help is accessed from the Help Center button in the top navigation or from the left tools bar:
- (continued)
- Additionally, when accessing Help, users are directed to three helpful areas of MarketSpark’s knowledge base:
- Our Getting Started articles
- Our Installation Support articles
- and our How To articles
- to an updated Contact Us form
- Additionally, when accessing Help, users are directed to three helpful areas of MarketSpark’s knowledge base:
- (continued)
- The updated Contact Us form allows users to assign the Priority, the Topic area, to define the Location (if applicable) along with the Equipment and Lines that may be of concern. An additional contact may be entered to be CC’d on the ticket, and the User should describe the problem report in the Description field
- The Help Center card and the Contact Us modal contain a clickable link to the MarketSpark Support telephone number at the bottom
- Allow Admins and Installers to see the currently active SIM on the Location Diagnostics Signal card
- None
20240722 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that prevented proper handling of Puerto Rico addresses from within Command Center due to an issue with emergency addresses
New Features
- None
- Improve Signal Metrics reporting for Installers to more accurately reflect signal level
- Improve language used to describe Call Record reporting delay period
- Ensure that Location State is displayed in the Location table within CMDC
20240708 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct improper display of signal strength status scoring for admin and user level accounts
- Correct failure to display equipment metrics for some equipment types
New Features
- None
- None
20240624 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct directionality error in some customer Call Detail Records seen in CMDC
- Correct missing CDR data seen for some customers in CMDC
- Correct error that prevented signal metrics from loading properly in CMDC for some hardware types
- Correct error that prevented a customer download of CDR data from CMDC
New Features
- None
- None
20240603 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct error that prevented proper display of some equipment diagnostics metrics
New Features
- Allow CMDC users to sign up for Offline Status and Power Source change notifications. In the User Profile dropdown of CMDC, the Notifications section provides two tools - Offline Status and Power Source. For each, Users may sign up for email-based notifications. When negative events occur, MarketSpark automatically creates a Support ticket to track the incident and the User is automatically attached to the Support ticket so that they may track along with it. Note: no more than 48 individual Users may sign up for notifications for a single, individual Location
- None
20240528 Release
Bug Fixes
- Correct issue properly changing state of certain SSO-login users
- Prevent unnecessary polling when downloading organization data from within Command Center (CMDC)
- Correct error displaying CDR data within CMDC for certain customer locations
New Features
- None
- Store MAC address information for gateways in consistent, lowercase format
- Improve visibility of Pending users within CMDC
- Improve display of CDRs for locations with no calls for the past 30 days by automatically extending their search range to 90 days
- Improve Location Notes by automatically adding Name and Date data to the noted change
- Improve processing of CDRs