The Command Center Dashboard is a snapshot of you Location and Line count statuses.
Upon signing in, you will be taken to the Dashboard.
Locations card links navigate to filtered Locations table
- Online count - number navigates user to Locations table with all Online locations filtered
- Trouble count - number navigates user to Locations table with all Trouble locations filtered
- Offline count - number navigates user to Locations table with all Offline locations filtered
Lines card links navigate to filtered Lines table
- Online count - all Online locations filtered
- Offline count - all Offline locations filtered
Insights card displays an organization's total calls and minutes
- Filterable by All, Inbound, and Outbound
- Filterable by Day, Week, and Month
Top Locations card displays an organization's busiest locations
- Filterable by All, Inbound, and Outbound
- Filterable by Day, Week, and Month
- Filterable by Calls and Minutes
- Filterable by Most Busy and Least Busy
Top Lines card displays an organization's busiest lines
- Filterable by All, Inbound, and Outbound
- Filterable by Day, Week, and Month
- Filterable by Calls and Minutes
- Filterable by Most Busy and Least Busy
Emergency Calls card displays all E911 calls
- Displays line, location name, length, date, and time of call